Monday, 22 February 2010

Welcome Everyone

We all know how important is to map the market to have a basic idea when to be short and when to be long. My name is Auntie Gertruda, and I will provide you, new traders with the map to the Forex market, at the beginning of each week. I will guide you when to put your buns to the oven and when to take them out. I bake 4 types of buns: Eur/Usd, Usd/Cad, Usd/Jpy and Eur/Gbp.
Most important, I will provide you with the areas, there is a higher probability to make pips being short/long (AREAS!).
Don`t be afraid to ask Qs.
I will try to upload some charts or video later...
See you soon.

Let`s begin then

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